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Lakeway Pest Control

With Stride’s professional pest control services, you can keep both your home and business free of unwanted insects and rodents. Our experienced technicians will safeguard your property so you can focus on more important things.

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Whether you are zip lining, relaxing at a spa, or spending the day at the marina, Lakeway is a beautiful place for residents and visitors alike to enjoy all year round. Unfortunately, many pests also love Lakeway, and they can make it less enjoyable for the people here.

Many of the pests in the city mainly stay outdoors, but even there they are a nuisance. Others will make their way inside and it is then that homeowners and business owners find they have a real problem. For this reason, it is important that everyone knows how to prevent critters from destroying their property, and when it is time to call a Lakeway pest control company.

What Pests are Common in Lakeway?

There are tens of thousands of pest species in Texas, and likely many more that have not yet been discovered. People have to learn to live with pests to some degree and after all, certain bugs serve a real purpose. A spider or two, for example, in an out-of-the-way nook in your backyard may catch mosquitoes and flies that could become a real problem. Any time any pest starts to take over though, and a real infestation sets in, it is time to get rid of it once and for all. The most common pests that pose problems in Lakeway include:

  • Ants
  • Bed bugs
  • Mosquitoes
  • Termites
  • Ticks and fleas
  • Cockroaches
  • Scorpions
  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Earwigs

The above pests are annoying, carry disease, and can cause real property damage. It has been said that termites cause approximately $5 billion in damage every year to homes and other structures. Other critters, such as mosquitoes and ticks, also carry and transmit very serious diseases to humans and so, any time these populations grow, it is important to eliminate them quickly.

How to Prevent Pests in Lakeway

The best Lakeway pest control starts with good prevention, so a problem never develops in the first place. It is important to remember that pests enter a space looking for food, water, and shelter. If you can cut off access to these important elements of their life, making sure you never deal with an infestation becomes much easier. The best pest prevention tips are as follows:

  • Seal off entryways: You should conduct a full inspection of the interior and exterior of your home at least twice a year. During this inspection, look for gaps, cracks, and holes around entryways. Even the smallest space can provide an entryway for pests. Termites and ants need only millimeters to get inside, while mice can fit into a space the size of a dime. Seal off any space you find with caulk and block off the access into your home. Pay special attention to areas around windows, doors, utility lines, vents, and pipes that enter the home from the outdoors.
  • Trim shrubs and trees: Branches, shrubs, and trees bridge the space from outside to inside. Mice, rats, and other rodents in particular, will use these to reach a structure. Once they do, they will tear off siding and destroy other parts of the home to make their way inside.
  • Store trash properly: You may not view garbage as a food source, but pests certainly do. Always store trash tightly in a bag that is knotted tightly and kept in an animal-proof bin with a locked lid. When possible, store garbage cans away from animals, such as in a shed or garage. Also consider garbage and crumbs that are left out on the counter and around the home and always keep these areas clean.
  • Store food properly: Store all food, including pet food, in strong airtight containers. Pests will easily enter or rip apart plastic bags and cardboard boxes. It is always recommended that you remove food from its original packaging and store it in airtight plastic or glass containers that are much harder for pests to enter.
  • Clean floors regularly: You do not have to mop every day, but you should sweep your floor regularly, particularly after meal time. Pests usually start at ground level and so, if there are crumbs on the floor, that will provide a food source for them that will lead them right into the home.

Just as it is critical to keep the inside of your home clean, it is just as important to keep the outside of your home tidy, as well. A mosquito infestation, for example, can easily develop if there is even the smallest pool of water in your yard. Mosquitoes need water to breed, and even just a few tablespoons of standing water can breed thousands of mosquitoes. Controlling these conditions and other untidy areas that could provide shelter and food will go a long way in Lakeway pest control.

Benefits of Working with a Lakeway Pest Control Service

It is not uncommon for homeowners to identify a problem and want to tackle it on their own. Unfortunately, this often leads to a lot of effort with little results. When working with a Lakeway pest control service, you will save yourself the time and headache of trying product after product and still not eliminating the problem.

Our Lakeway pest control experts will provide you with a free estimate after inspecting the problem and devising a customized solution. Our pest control experts will then provide the effective treatment you need from start to finish, including a follow-up appointment to determine if the problem has truly been eradicated. In the end, working with a Lakeway pest control service really will save you money, time, and stress.

Call Our Pest Control Experts in Lakeway Today

At Stride Pest Control, our Lakeway pest control experts understand how frustrating it is to share your home with pests, and we also know how to get rid of them once and for all. If you have a pest problem, call us today at (512) 777-1339 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help.
