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Like all of Texas, the climate in Alamo Heights is very mild all year long. It is this very climate that draws more residents and visitors to the area every year, but it also means that pests are more likely to be a problem. Bed bugs, termites, fire ants, scorpions, mosquitoes, and more are just a few of the pests that are most common in Alamo Heights.
When a pest problem develops in the home, it is not uncommon for people to try and tackle the issue in their home. Unfortunately, this is not only ineffective, it is also sometimes dangerous. An Alamo Heights pest control company will safely get rid of any infestation and make sure it does not happen again.
Bed Bug Control
While it may seem as though bed bugs have only become a problem in recent years, these annoying critters have been around for centuries. They are very hearty and getting rid of them is notoriously difficult. Bed bugs are not very large, measuring approximately the same size as an apple seed. They do not have wings, but they do burrow into the nooks and crannies of mattresses, box springs, and other furniture, only to crawl out during the night to feed. Bed bugs will leave red, itchy bumps, which is a reaction to the substance the bed bugs inject into the wound.
Those most at risk for developing a bed bug infestation are those that stay at hotels and other places away from home, particularly if they stay overnight. When used clothing or furniture is brought into a home, there is also a chance that bed bugs could be hiding within the items, so a thorough inspection is always recommended.
Termite Control
Termites destroy more wood than any other insect in the world, and they cost billions of dollars in damage every year. Termites do not actually eat wood. Instead, they feast on the glucose inside of wood and use it to feed the entire colony. That does little to comfort homeowners when they have a problem, though. As termites search for this glucose, they can quickly destroy an entire structure and because they do not always make their presence known, they are not always caught quickly.
A single termite colony can contain up to one million termites, and you must eliminate every single one to completely eliminate the problem. This is incredibly difficult for people that are not familiar with termites and how they live. An Alamo Heights pest control company will have the necessary experience to get rid of the entire colony, and make sure it does not return.
Nearly everybody has been bothered by mosquitoes at some point in their life. When they become a real problem and an infestation has set in, mosquitoes pose a real problem. Not only can they make your outdoor space uninhabitable, but they also carry several diseases and can potentially transmit them to humans when they bite. Encephalitis, malaria, Zika virus, West Nile virus, and yellow fever are just a few of these. In North America alone, there are more than one hundred species of mosquitoes, and at least 60 of them carry these diseases.
Typically, the peak season for mosquitoes is between July and September. Under certain conditions though, the season can kick into high gear as early as April. An infestation is more likely to develop when standing water is left in the yard, and they are known to be attracted to floral scents.
Fire Ants
Fire ants are usually only a problem outdoors, but they can become a real nuisance. One colony can include hundreds of thousands of fire ants, and you may find many colonies and many mounds in your yard. When these mounds, or the ants themselves, are disturbed, they become incredibly aggressive. Multiple ants will attack a perceived threat at the same time, stinging a person over and over again. While painful, these stings typically result in no more than a raised red welt. Some people, though, are at much greater risk after being stung by a fire ant.
Scorpions are one of the more startling pests to find in your home, and Texas has many different types. Fortunately, none of them are considered to be harmful to humans. Still, no one wants to share their home with these pests, which can still deliver a painful sting. Identifying when an infestation has developed is not always easy, either. These critters are nocturnal and so, they mostly come out when people are sleeping.
Scorpions will most likely sting when they feel threatened, so it is still advisable that people do not handle these pests on their own. An Alamo Heights pest control company will know how to safely get scorpions out of the home.
Ticks are very common throughout Alamo Heights and the rest of Texas. These pests lie in grassy areas, waiting to attach to animals and humans that walk by. When they do, they will bite and attach to the host, where they may stay for a few days if not detected. Even though a tick will eventually fall off, they still carry Stari, Lyme disease, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
Homeowners that live closest to woody areas are at the highest risk of suffering from a tick infestation. Due to the fact that they do pose such a risk to animals and people, any time more than a few ticks are spotted in one area, it is important to speak to an Alamo Heights pest control company.
Our Pest Control Experts in Alamo Heights Can Help with Many Types of Pests
No one wants to live with pests in or around their home but when they start to become a problem, our Alamo Heights pest control experts at Stride Pest Control are here to help. We know how to safely and effectively get rid of pests, and we can advise on whatever problem you are facing. Call us today at (210) 547-8410 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.
Can Carpenter Ants Damage My Home?
Carpenter ants can either be a small nuisance or a serious pest that can cause serious structural damage to your home. When the weather is mild, it may not be uncommon to see a stray carpenter ant around your home. If you see more than this though, it is a cause for concern and you should seek out a professional inspection. An Alamo Heights pest control technician will locate the source, identify the size of the infestation, and eliminate it for you.
Are Pest Control Products Safe to Use Around Kids and Pets?
Our pest control specialists prioritize the safety of you and your family above everything else. Our technicians at Stride Pest Control all receive the proper training on applying solutions in a manner that provides a healthy and safe environment for you, your family, and your pets.
What are Some of the Best Prevention Tactics to Keep Pests Away from the Exterior of My Home?
There are many preventative steps you can take to keep the outside of your home safe from pests. The main steps to take include:
- Examine the outside of your home and seal any holes or cracks found around vents, windows, doors, and utility lines.
- Inspect the perimeter of your home and fix any leaky faucets or anything else that causes moisture to collect around the foundation of your home.
- Remove leaves and debris from gutters.
- Trim shrubbery and tree branches so they are not touching the exterior of your home.
- Store firewood off the ground and at least 20 feet away from the sides of the home.
What are Some of the Best Prevention Tactics to Keep Pests Away from the Inside of My Home?
There are many preventative steps you can take to keep the outside of your home safe from pests. The main steps to take include:
- Examine the outside of your home and seal any holes or cracks found around vents, windows, doors, and utility lines.
- Inspect the perimeter of your home and fix any leaky faucets or anything else that causes moisture to collect around the foundation of your home.
- Remove leaves and debris from gutters.
- Trim shrubbery and tree branches so they are not touching the exterior of your home.
- Store firewood off the ground and at least 20 feet away from the sides of the home.
What are the Most Common Signs of a Pest Problem?
It is not always easy to detect a pest problem right away, and some critters are particularly good at hiding their presence. However, all pests will leave signs that they are sharing your space with you at some point. The signs you see of pests will vary depending on the type of pest you are dealing with.
The most common signs of termites and other wood-destroying insects are wood shavings coming from the walls, particularly when there are holes in them. If you have a cockroach problem, you may find their nests in areas that are out of the way, such as behind baseboards, cabinets, and behind water heaters.
Can I Treat Termites On My Own?
It is almost impossible to treat termites on your own. One termite colony can include millions of termites and to entirely eliminate the problem, you have to get rid of every single one. Termite control technicians have the expertise, training, and technology to completely get rid of an infestation. A specialist will also use a safe and effective combination of liquids and baits. Liquids are applied to the exterior of the home to prevent termites from invading, and baits can trap any termites currently on the property.
How Do You Treat Cockroaches?
Treatment for cockroaches depends largely on the type of species that has taken over your space. This is why it is particularly important to work with a professional pest control service that can identify the species that are causing a problem and create a plan that will eliminate them effectively. The most common solutions used to get rid of cockroaches consist of using pesticides and baits. Insect growth regulators are also sometimes used, which prevents the pests from molting and growing.
Is it Safe to Remain in the Home While You Spray?
While all the products we use are perfectly safe for you and your family, many people feel more comfortable vacating the premises while sprays are applied. If you or someone in your family has a condition that may become irritated by chemicals, such as asthma, we recommend that they are out of the home while we spray, and even for several hours afterward.
Can I Clean My Home After Treatment?
If a spray is applied, it is best to allow it to fully dry before you handle anything in that area. Areas that are to be sprayed should be cleaned prior to the pest control treatment being applied. Any rugs or carpets that you wish to vacuum or clean should also be done before the pest control treatment.
Do I Need to Do Anything Before Treatment?
There is not a lot required of you before getting a treatment done. Access to the edges of a room is often necessary, so any materials on the floor should be picked up. During the initial consultation, an Alamo Heights pest control technician may also recommend other steps to take prior to the treatment.
Will I Continue to See Pests After Treatment?
It is not uncommon to see a few pests after treatment. The solutions we use are very irritating for them and they may emerge from their hiding spaces as they become disoriented and the pesticide begins to work. Of course, other pests may also wander in from the outdoors. However, all of these bugs will have come into contact with the control solution. Even those that were not on your premises before will have crossed a barrier that will kill them soon. If you continue to see pests 10 to 14 days after treatment, you should contact the professional for a follow-up visit.