If you have ants, wasps, spiders, ticks, or other pests in or around your home, you may wonder why. What is it that they are attracted to?
Pests can be attracted to many things, but they are primarily drawn to things that give them food and shelter. What this means is that moisture is a major attractant.
If you live in Texas, you’re no stranger to humidity. You may not be a huge fan of this weather, but pests sure are. Warm, humid climates provide optimal breeding conditions, so you may find pests in and around your home.
Reducing humidity and moisture is not easy to do, which is why many homeowners opt for professional pest control services. There are some things you can do, but first, you need to understand the relationship between pests and moisture.
Why is Moisture Necessary?
Just like you need water to survive, so do pests. All living creatures need water to hydrate their bodies and keep them from drying out. Thy hydration allows for species to breed and move their species forward so there are many generations of pests to come. Of course, this is a nightmare for homeowners, so to avoid these pests, your goal is to reduce moisture in and around your home.
Some pests, like rodents, drink water droplets, just like we humans do. Then there are those pests that absorb moisture through their skin. This means they can stay hydrated even without standing water; they just need moist surroundings. Insects love dark, moist areas. The locations provide a haven for pests to sleep, store food, and hide during the day. Moisture keeps these pets cool and hidden from predators such as birds and larger pests. At night, they can go out and look for additional food.
Speaking of food, moisture can also provide food for some insects. Moisture allows for mold and mildew to form. Some bugs eat this decay. Wet environments can also attract other bugs that can serve as tasty morsels for larger insects.
Another thing to keep in mind is that pests use their senses of smell, touch, and taste to find food. Pests can sense the presence of water from far away through the use of very small sensory organs called “sensilla.” These tiny hairs help them to locate water and moisture in areas that they cannot see or sense. Sensilla also allows insects to pick up certain chemicals, vibrations, and air movement, all of which help them properly navigate their environment.
Insects know that food can be found in homes near water or moisture. Cleaning up your house and getting rid of any excess moisture will keep them from trying to get in.
How Does Moisture Get Into Your Home?
Excess moisture in homes is caused by warm and humid air coming into contact with a cool outer surface. Household activities such as cooking, washing, and bathing trap a lot of moisture in the house. Some appliances like microwaves, AC units, and heaters can also increase the moisture level inside and outside your home.
Season changes also increase moisture. For example, in the winter, windows, doors, and walls may lack proper ventilation and insulation, causing them to trap more moisture in them. Then, in the summer, water pipes that tend to stay cool increase moisture, attracting more bugs to your house.
There are several ways in which you can control moisture in your home:
- Fix leaks. If water is entering the house from the outside, you need to find the source and fix it. This may require extensive landscaping and waterproofing.
- Assess your crawl space. Put a plastic cover over dirt in crawl spaces to prevent moisture from coming in. Keep it well-ventilated as well.
- Use exhaust fans. Remove moisture by using exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens.
- Use dehumidifiers and air conditioners. Use these appliances in hot, humid climates, to reduce moisture in the air.
- Increase air circulation. Open doors between rooms to increase circulation. Fresh air can expel excessive moisture.
Insects to Watch For
Pretty much all insects need some source of moisture to survive. However, there are a few species that you especially need to be aware of:
- Ants. Ants are especially attracted to damp areas and will hang out in areas of the home such as the bathroom and kitchen. Keep your home clean and dry to prevent ant infestations.
- Mosquitoes. Mosquitoes like to lay their eggs near water, so they’re commonly found near standing water such as lakes, rivers, ponds, pools, and other areas. Get rid of any standing water around your home, if possible.
- Termites. Moist wood is easier to chew than dry wood, so eliminate any water leaks or moisture buildups around your home to prevent infestations from termites and other wood-boring pests. Termites also like firewood, so keep it away from the house.
- Cockroaches. Cockroaches also love moist environments. Even if your home is clean, you may see cockroaches around if you have a pipe leak.
- Pill bugs. Pill bugs are technically crustaceans that breathe through gills, so they especially need moist environments in order to survive. You can typically find them outside in wet grass, soil, and gardens, and soil.
- Earwigs. Earwigs tend to nest in moist mulch or leaves, but they can make nests inside your home. If you do see them inside, it’s likely they’ve formed a colony nearby. Earwigs are constantly thirsty and especially thrive on humidity.
- Silverfish. Silverfish need high levels of humidity to survive, so if you see them in your home, you likely have a leak or other issue that’s causing excessive moisture in your home.
Contact Our Pest Control Experts Today
There are a lot of things that attract insects, rodents, and other pests. Your best course of action is to keep moisture away from your home.
With Stride Pest Control, you can count on the best products as well as top customer service. Our pest control experts at Stride Pest Control will get rid of your pests for good so you can enjoy your home once again. To schedule a consultation, give us a call at (210) 940-3902 or fill out the online form.