Just hearing the words ‘bed bugs’ is enough to give anyone creepy-crawly feelings. Unfortunately, if you have bed bugs in your home, the bugs will cause much more than that. Bed bugs need blood hosts to live and so, they leave itchy, red marks on a person’s skin when they bite. The very thought of bed bugs hiding in a person’s bed can also result in them being unable to get a good night’s sleep.
In Central Texas, bed bug infestations are becoming even more common. As a result, it is important that everyone knows about these bugs, what they are, and how to get rid of them. Only then can the problem be eradicated and let you get back to getting the good night’s sleep you need.
What are Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are parasites that feed on the blood of mammals and people. Although bed bugs do sometimes feed on animals, humans make up the vast majority of their food source. Bed bugs are quite small and are not much bigger than an apple seed. They are also largely nocturnal, which means they crawl into crevices to hide during the day and then come out at night to feed. In certain areas, such as in offices, theaters, shopping centers, and libraries, bed bugs may come out to feed during daylight hours.
Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?
Unlike other parasitic pests, such as mosquitoes, bed bugs do not transmit diseases to the people they bite and so, they are not considered particularly dangerous. Still, no one wants them in their home and if you have an infestation, you should take the appropriate steps to eliminate it immediately.
While bed bugs do not transmit diseases, some people are allergic to them and that can cause very serious problems. Even when a person is not allergic, the bites of bed bugs are extremely itchy and if a person scratches them excessively, it could lead to a secondary infection. Sometimes, these infections require medical attention to treat them.
Even though bed bugs are not considered dangerous, their very presence can take an emotional toll on the people inside the home. A lack of sleep can cause very serious physical problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and even heart failure. Additionally, bed bugs can also cause people to become very uncomfortable in their own home.
How Do Bed Bugs Enter Homes?
It is important that anyone dealing with a bed bug infestation knows that it has nothing to do with the condition or cleanliness of the home. Bed bugs will thrive as long as there is a food source nearby and so, a person’s very presence in the home is enough to attract bed bugs inside.
It is not uncommon for homeowners and other individuals to ask how bed bugs entered their structure, but it can happen in a couple of different ways. Bed bugs are notorious hitchhikers. When they come into contact with people or their belongings, they will stay there until they reach their destination. Once inside, an infestation can quickly spread throughout the entire space.
The classic example of bed bugs entering a home is from a person’s luggage after they have traveled. A person may place their luggage down in a hotel that has a bed bug infestation, or in another place, such as in an airport and bed bugs may latch on. Also, purchasing used clothing or furniture without fully inspecting it first can also allow bed bugs to enter a home because they are hiding within those items. In community housing spaces, such as condos and apartment buildings, bed bugs will also use vents, wires, and walls to travel between units.
Where to Find Bed Bugs in the Home
Due to their name, it is natural to assume bed bugs only live within the beds of a home. Unfortunately, that is not true. Bed bugs will often start hiding out in a person’s bed because it is easy to come out and feed once a person falls asleep. However, they will quickly move throughout a home and hide in furniture, behind wood trim, inside electronics and underneath piles of laundry.
Upon finding bed bugs, many people move their bedding or actual mattress and box springs to a room in the home that is not used as often, such as a basement. This only exacerbates the problem, though. Bed bugs can live for a long time without food, up to 400 days, and when an item is moved, the bed bugs will move throughout the home looking for a food source.
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs
Upon finding bed bugs, naturally, the first thing you want to do is get rid of them. There are many products on the market that claim they can get rid of the problem for you, but these options are not recommended. Firstly, DIY products are rarely effective, particularly given that bed bugs are one of the hardest pests to eliminate. Secondly, the pesticides on the market are often toxic and pose a hazard to the health of humans.
When you have a bed bug infestation, it is important to contact a Central Texas pest control service. Professional pest control technicians will use solutions that will not only eliminate your problem quickly, but that are also safe for you and your family.
Call Our Pest Control Experts in Central Texas
If you have a bed bug problem, do not try to handle it on your own. At Stride Pest Control, our Central Texas pest control experts know the solutions to use that will get rid of your problem once and for all. We only use the safest products and will perform a thorough inspection to ensure we get rid of every pest so the infestation does not return. Call our Austin office today at (512) 777-1339 or our San Antonio office at (210) 547-8410. You can also contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help you take your home back.